
2010. 07 16 RESPECT

自問都唔係一個善男信女,但今次..... 真係火起~~!! 原本收工見到落雨都唔想坐電車呀啦,但係又唔想係落緊雨時行咁遠而沿途又係勁多人的地方,所以.....都係照坐~~!!

本來都相安無事架,去到銅鑼灣時仲突然大雨起上黎,有個好心的男人,雖然佢落車,但都幫手 close the window~!! then i said thanks to the guy~!! Cos i really get wet due to the tram moving and nobody have tention to close the window!!! After the man, Woman A sit down, and she try to open a little bit window, but outside is super HEAVY raining~~!!!! what is the result?? My bad and my body of right hand side is all wet!!! SHIT~!! I really want to open my umbella~! why i need to suffer due to Woman A open the window??? why??? I dont want being wet law~~!!!!!!!

cos im nearly get off the tram so i go downstair~~ what amazing stuff keep on happen~!! Im cleaning up my bag when im in lower deck~~ and Woman B is stand very closely to me. And due to my bag, she didn't saw im pregant woman. I said to her "i'm get off the tram too." "Just the tram move so I move, i didn't touch you~!" said by Women B. You didn't touch me??? You already step my toes~~!!!!! this mean u didn't touch me?? U didn't feel it doesnt mean the fact didn't happen!!!! I said " you step on my toes." "NO" said by Women B. Ok fine, i just want to keep on listen to my MP3 and hope u can shut your mouth!! so i didn't reply her~~!! but she keep on speaking~~~!!!! my temper was loss at that moment, ok fine, i said "SORRY!!" to her and then i keep on said "I dont really understand why i need to say sorry to someone who step my toes!!!!!!" "Cos I dont allow they step on my toes?"

this is not the end~! this is just the start~~!! the following conversation make me feel angry and not being respect!!

女人乙: "唔知係男人的話,唔知又會點呢?
我 (極度忍住把火): "我會大叫非禮!!"
女人乙: "仲以為你會撲埋去添~!!!" "我都係咁教我個女!"

這一刻的我...............極想大巴大巴咁打落去佢度~~~!!! what a shit talking???? and u said u teach ur daughter the same??? O REALLY~~!!! i can't imagine~~!!!!!! i really feel amazing!!!! u can said such words from your mouth, but u know to teach the normal reaction to ur daughter??? did u know what are u saying?? what fucking dame speaking you are???

Luckily the tram is arrived! I can get off and stop this shit conversation!!!! "O shit, what kind of ppl are?? U will teach ur daughter like this?? So amazing!!!! I can't believe law!! u know how to teach ur daughter, then I wish you GOOD LUCK~~!!!" said by me during i get off the tram and walking to the bridge.

i'm really really angry about this!! not due to being blame unreasonable, the most important is i'm not being respect!!! Even Woman A, i dont think she know how to respect others~!! nobody want to being wet. I understand the air is little when all the windows are closed. At least for me, I prefer less air rather than wet!!!! No need to say Women B!! I really want to ask her, did u know what is respect?? Ok, even im not respect you at the initial stage, but u dont need to said such words to me~!!

what is next generation? will they know RESPECT others?

